When was the last time you inspected your child’s current toothbrush? A toothbrush is the top tool in everyone’s arsenal of dental-care products. A wide variety of toothbrushes suitable for people of all ages are sold at just about any chain or independent drug store, so finding and choosing a new one for your son or daughter would be a cinch.
When you want a pediatric dental practice that provides the highest standard of personalized care, look no further than the office of Plainfield Pediatric Dental Care and Orthodontics. We offer an extensive menu of high-quality services for children up to age 18 and in a calm and soothing environment.
If you’re not checking out your child’s toothbrushes regularly, consider these facts.
Children grow out of toothbrushes just as they grow out of clothes. If the head of your child’s toothbrush has become too small for his mouth, it’s time to upgrade to a new one with a bigger head.
Bacteria cling to toothbrushes’ bristles and dried-up toothpaste. The longer a toothbrush is used, the more bacteria it contains. And because most people brush their teeth at least two times a day, lots of icky stuff builds up quickly. This is especially true if a toothbrush is clustered near the toothbrushes of everyone else in a household and/or if it’s near a toilet. Yikes! It’s time to start fresh with a new one.
Examine the bristles of your child’s toothbrush. If they’re frayed or flat in some places, then they’re barely useful in removing particles of food, plaque and bacteria, which are the main causes of decay and gum disease. A new brush’s bristles stand up straight so they can reach all of those nooks and crannies.
You can upgrade your smartphone and computer, and the same holds for your toothbrush. Manual toothbrushes in good shape clean your teeth and gums well, but power-operated toothbrushes are also efficient and effective for young adolescents. They deliver many more strokes per minute and are good for children with dexterity problems.
Bristles come in soft, medium or hard. Many people don’t realize that hard bristles can damage gums and enamel, and they don’t do well in reaching nooks and crannies. It’s best to stick with medium or soft bristles. Ask your child’s pedodontist which is best for your son or daughter’s oral-care needs.
By emphasizing preventative dental care, Plainfield Pediatric Dental Care and Orthodontics is dedicated to helping children enjoy the benefits of a healthy and beautiful smile. New patients are always welcome to our modern facility, your resource for the best in pediatric dentistry. Please call us today to schedule an appointment.